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FREE Yoga Classes

Broadening my practice with new yogis in new settings, without the commitment of a membership!

Commitment Issues

I love my gym and the yoga classes that are offered there, but sometimes I need a break from my routine to try something new! My biggest obstacle to gym hopping is the cost of a single class, which can be anywhere from $5 to upward of $20 for 60 minutes of yoga. In order to drop the per class price at various studios, I would need to buy a class package or monthly membership, which to be honest, I have no idea how many times each month I really want to go to yoga vs. kickboxing vs. spin vs. swimming vs. boot camp vs. playing golf because I decide which class I feel like attending the night before based on my mood and how my body feels: some months I go to ten yoga classes and some months I go to none. Still, I want the option of going to other studios without the commitment.

Ready for a great practice at Power of Your Om (1227 State Street) with Shannon!

Playing the Yoga Field

Two years ago, thanks to Facebook events, I found out about several free community yoga events that Core Power was putting on at different locations from the MOXI Wolf Museum rooftop to the courtyard in front of their downtown location for First Thursday. These events tuned me in to checking Core Power’s website for free community classes to spice up my practice with a new instructor and new fellow yogis! Last year, I noticed FREE in studio student teacher yoga classes listed on their schedule and thought I would give it a try. In the past year, I have been to three Core Power student teacher yoga classes and they have all been fantastic! The first class was a heated C2, second time was an unheated C1, and the third time was a heated C2 taught by a tag team of six instructors!

Powering Your Om

My positive student teacher led classes at Core Power led me to get adventurous and look for other yoga studios in town offer FREE classes taught by student teachers! Power of Your Om is now on my list…

…of yoga studios to check their schedule for free student teacher led classes! On Saturday, I attended a class taught by a new instructor, Shannon K.

Shannon’s class was powerful and pushed me through the poses! She is teaching for free every Saturday at 2:45 p.m. at Power of your Om through June 15th.

Know Before You Go

First time at yoga? Just visiting, in town for one night, and without a mat?

Power of Your Ohm ProShop.

While the class might be free, it’s a good idea to call ahead of time to find out if mats and towels are supplied, or if you need to bring your own. Most studios have towels and mats that you can rent for the class or purchase. If you think you might need to step out because the room might get too hot for you, then I recommend taking a spot in back, by the door so you can quietly slip out without disturbing the rest of the class.

Better Together

Not only are free yoga classes a great risk and commitment free opportunity to try out a new studio and instructor, they are great ways to get multiple friends that belong to various gyms and studios at the same class! Perfect occasion for a lady gang date that involves burning calories instead of drinking them!

Lady gang yoga date!

More FREE Yoga

I recently notice that several hotels, like The Hotel Californian, are hosting free yoga events for their guests and members of the community that sign up for free tickets on nightout.com. I am not sure that goat yoga is for me, but I am very excited to try a silent disco yoga class!

I have also attended free in-store yoga classes at LOLË and lululemon.)(NOTE: The Santa Barbara lululemon store is not listed on the corporate website as holding in-store yoga events, so check their facebook page for events.)

Finding a Class

I found out about the free yoga classes offered in my community thanks to Facebook events and Instagram ads and posts from accounts that I follow. If you do not see events for free yoga in your community, call your local studio and ask if they have any student teacher led classes that are free or discounted.

In My Yoga Bag

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